Improve Your Emotional & Overall Well-Being

Course curriculum

    1. Class Overview - Read this first!

    2. Video Lesson: What is Mindfulness? + Intro to Breath & Body

    3. Class 1 - Post-Session Summary & "Homework"

    4. Supplementary Material - How to Meditate by Tara Brach

    5. Supplementary Material - FAQ about meditation by Tara Brach

    1. Video Lesson: Working with Thoughts and Beliefs

    2. Class 2 - Post-Session Summary & "Homework"

    1. Video Lesson: Being Fully Human - Mindfulness of Emotions

    2. Class 3 - Post-Session Summary & "Homework"

    3. Supplementary Material - RAIN by Tara Brach

    4. Supplementary Material - The ABC List of Feelings

    1. Video Lesson: The Wise Heart - Lovingkindness and Compassion

    2. Class 4 - Post-Session Summary & "Homework"

About this course

  • $84.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

Like Many People Today...

...You've found yourself in one or more of the Following Situations:

  • You Are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.
  • You have  chronic pain or illness.
  • You a student or professional looking to improve focus and productivity.


  • You who struggle with emotional regulation.
  • You are looking to deepen your understanding of Yourself and Your inner workings.
  • You'd like to cultivate greater compassion and kindness towards Yourself and others.

What I'd Like to offer YOU is a SOLUTION...

...which will help you by:

  • Effectively reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Helping You manage chronic pain and illness by developing a greater sense of awareness and acceptance of your physical sensations
  • Reducing distractions and increasing mental clarity.

...and furthermore...

  • Allowing You to become more aware of you emotions and develop better strategies for regulating them.
  • Cultivating a greater compassion and kindness towards yourself and others.

This Course Will Help You:

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety

    Mindful meditation can help to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which can lead to a reduction in feelings of stress and anxiety. By focusing your attention on the present moment and your breath, you can calm your mind and reduce the impact of stress on your body.

  • Increase Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence

    Mindful meditation can help you to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This increased self-awareness can help you to better understand yourself and your reactions to different situations, and can also help you to regulate your emotions and respond to challenges in a more balanced way.

  • Improved Mental Clarity & Focus

    Mindful meditation can help to improve your ability to concentrate and focus by training your brain to stay present in the moment. This can help you to be more productive, make better decisions, and stay on track with your goals.


Pranav Chawla

Pranav - Pran - Chawla was born and raised in New Jersey. He was first introduced to yoga and meditation by Amrendra Muniji at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Saylorsburg, PA. In his teenage years he learned Hatha yoga practice from Sri Swami Buaji Maharaj in New Jersey. He further gained inspiration from the writings of the late Wayne Dwyer and Eckharte Tolle. He received his Mindful Meditation certification through the University of California, Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center and in January 2023. Pran resides in Denver, Colorado with his wife and many pets. He is a small animal general practitioner at a local veterinary hospital, and teaches mindfulness meditation both in-person and virtually. Pran enjoys being active, playing games, and making people laugh. He plays the piano and sings like a gifted six-year-old. He cooks, he cleans, and he scoops the litter box less often than he should.

Start your journey towards a more mindful life.

Mindful meditation is a powerful practice that can help you reduce stress, improve focus, and increase self-awareness. Our online course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of mindfulness and guide you through a variety of meditation techniques. Our course is perfect for anyone looking to start a meditation practice or deepen their existing practice. You'll learn techniques to help you stay present, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.

Acquire the Tools for a STRESS-FREE Life!

Kind Words from Our Students

About the Benefits of This Course

“I went from having a stressful routine to being more aware and calm thanks to Pranav's course. I never thought I could do it, but Pranav’s explanations were tremendously helpful. ”


“My company had gone on several retreats for team work exercises but we'd grown skeptical due to the lack of returns of those exercises. Pranav's course and journal templates proved to keep us going in our meditation practice. ”


“The Group Meditations really helped, not only personally but in managing my work as well. I felt calmer and learned to regulate my emotional state. My mental well-being has really benefited this course. ”


Course Benefits Breakdown:

You will gain insight into a myriad of different ways that Mindful Meditation can change and enhance your life.

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety Through Regular Meditation Practice

  • Tools to Cope with Life's Challenges and Transitions

  • Greater Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

  • Increase Your Patience

  • Enhanced Emotional Well-Being and Resilience

  • Decreased Anxiety

  • Increase Your sense of Inner Peace and Happiness

  • Increase Clarity

  • Better Sleep and Overall Physical Health

More Kind Words From Our Students

And How this Course Impacted Them

“I've tried meditating on my own before, but this course really helped me understand the fundamentals and establish a consistent practice. ”

Sarah M.

“The guided meditations were so helpful, and I loved being able to connect with other people who were on the same journey as me.”

John S.

“Since starting the course, I've noticed a significant reduction in my stress levels and an improvement in my overall mood. Thank you!”

Emily L.

Start Your Journey Towards Inner Peace

Get started now


  • Is this Course for me?

    If you feel that your anxiety is getting the best of you, or that you need to cope with life's challenges or even enhance your emotional or overall well-being, then yes! It definitely is for you!you will most likely benefit greatly from this program. If you have any doubts, you are free to send us a message below or to contact Bo Nielsen for a FREE Consultation.

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    The Program has a 12-week duration, but you are free to follow it at your own pace.

  • How do I know it's working?

    Decrease in anxiety, more awareness, more emotional regulation, enhanced overall well-being: All these are the benefits of mindfulness. You will start feeling these benefits as you go along this journey with Pranav and his meditation group.

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